Joining a committee is easy and doesn’t require a huge time commitment. It’s a great way to enhance your own professional growth while making an impact on the field of youth work. Have a look at the options and find one that interests you most.
Your Role As a youth worker, no one knows the needs of our young people better than you. Your role as a committee member is to provide ideas for relevant training topics and offer suggestions for high-quality trainers. We’ll rely on you for candid feedback about how YIPA can improve learning and the learning experience for youth workers.
- Meet every other month via a 1-hour virtual meeting
- Attend no less than 4 of the 6 meetings
- Commit to serve for one 12-month term
To learn more or to join just send us an email at trainings@yipa.org.
Your Role As a champion for young people, your role as a committee member is to share your ideas and evaluate our advocacy strategies. We’ll rely on you to provide honest feedback and offer suggestions to improve our chances of success with the Minnesota legislature. You are also encouraged to join us at our advocacy events to help with hospitality tasks.
- Meet monthly as needed via a 1-hour virtual meeting
- Attend no less than 75% of the meetings
- Commit to serve for one 12-month term
To learn more or to join just send us an email at advocacy@yipa.org.