Engage! Our young people need us to be great youth workers AND social activists. The youth work field lacks legislative power, but as youth workers we are uniquely qualified to change that. The only thing missing is uniting and building relationships with state legislators. Our social activism trainings and blogs are FREE and provide insight and inspiration.
FREE Social Activism Trainings

Social Activism In Youth Work
View this training individually or with the youth you serve. Either way, you’ll be inspired by video clips of youth inviting you to become socially engaged. Discover what social activism in youth work is all about. This cause needs all of us right now!
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Youth Legislative Advocacy 101
This training is specific to Minnesota, but if you live in another state the fundamentals will still be beneficial to you. You’ll learn how an idea becomes a law and basic skills to successfully advocate with elected officials. Invite the youth you serve to join you for this training.
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FREE Social Activism Blogs

Policy Engagement Will Facilitate Change
Policy engagement is the key to unlocking a brighter future for our young people. When youth workers become social activists, we influence legislation and improve the well-being of young people. By actively engaging in policy work, we shape decisions that directly impact their lives.
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How to Advocate for Young People as a Youth Worker
When I first entered the youth worker field in the early 1990s, there were many more funding resources for youth-serving programs than there are today. So, it wasn’t critical for me to advocate for funding. I could just focus on working directly with young people.
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Will a Grassroots Movement in Youth Work Change Everything?
Grassroots movements are responsible for a woman’s right to vote, civil liberties for people of color, and the right to marry the person you love for the LGBTQ+ community. Could a grassroots movement in youth work fundamentally change the lives of our young people in the same way? The answer is a resounding YES!
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6 Reasons Why Youth Worker Social Activism Works
Youth worker social activism is the solution to many of the big problems that are ailing communities everywhere. The good news is that most legislative leaders recognize the needs of young people more today than in the recent past. Like you, they see the problems stemming from inadequate funding for youth-serving programs.
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Go-to Relationships Are Needed for Systemic Change
Go-to relationships between youth workers and legislators are needed at the Minnesota State Legislature. Just like youth work, governing always boils down to relationships. Most legislators base their decisions on information received from trusted advisors.
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