In the late 1970s, the first American Indian school in St. Paul (Red School House) began to recognize that many of its students were homeless or in homes that were affecting their ability to attend school. Children were often focused on survival and meeting basic needs. The majority of homeless children were, and continue to be, American Indian. Out of these realities the Ain Dah Yung Center (“Our Home” in Ojibwe/ADYC) was born in 1983. ADYC has provided services to youth ages 5 to 24 experiencing homelessness in the Twin Cities, all of which are grounded in American Indian culture and tradition. We use a 360-degree model that equips youth with the skills to move beyond crisis-oriented services toward greater independence and self-sufficiency. ADYC offers American Indian children, youth and families a variety of culturally responsive services, including emergency shelter, street outreach to homeless and runaway youth, culturally based intervention and prevention activities, transitional housing, life skills training, parenting education, family preservation services, ICWA court monitoring and legal advocacy, and culturally based mental health services and American Indian cultural teachings, traditions and values.