Attire Dressing appropriately matters. Business attire is the standard practice at the Capitol, but it is optional for visitors. The rule of thumb for you and young people is to “dress nicely.” You'll want to look your best for YIP Rally Day at the Capitol.
Parking Plan ahead and decide where to park at the Capitol. There are several parking lots to choose from. Lot AA typically has open spots. Each lot has an automated pay station that accepts cash or a credit card. There is free parking in various locations a few blocks away .
Scheduling and preparing for meetings Preparation is critical to ensure you convince legislators that Youth Intervention needs to be properly funded. The Meeting with Legislators guide will help you schedule your meetings in advance and plan your talking points for success.
Arrival/Check-in Check-in is between 9:00 am and 9:45 am. Our Hospitality Team will be waiting for you in the Capitol Rotunda. Have one member of your group check-in to let us know the number of young people and adults in your group, and which state legislator(s) you are meeting with.
Pictures Take plenty of photos to share in your newsletter, on your web page, and via social media using #yiprallyday. Capture your experience from the moment you arrive to the time you leave and don't forget pictures with your legislators. Let others share the fun and power you brought to YIP Rally Day.
Pre-rally 9:00 am to 9:45 am We'll build community by making signs, writing letters to the governor, and amping up our energy.
Youth performers 9:45 am to 10:00 am Members of the Robbinsdale Cooper Step Team will be entertaining us with their high energy performance, getting us all fired up!
YIP Rally 10:00 am to 10:20 am When Rally time arrives, we'll cheer and clap and make noise so everyone knows how much our youth mean to us. Here's everything you'll need to know about the Rally in the Rotunda. At approximately 10:20 the youth performers will close out the rally, sending us off to meet with our legislators.
Legislator meetings 10:30 am – till you're done Carry your energy and commitment to your meetings with legislators. Ask them to commit to help pass legislation that provides additional funding for Youth Intervention in the Public Safety Omnibus Bill.
Letters to the governor Hand deliver your letters to the Governor’s Office in Room 130 at the Capitol. You can write your letters ahead of time or we’ll have note cards for you in the Capitol Rotunda near the check-in area. See more about how to write effective letters.
Social media Connect with your community of adults and youth at the YIP Rally Day via social media. Share the news about your meetings and post pictures of your group. Use #yiprallyday to connect with other YIP Rally Day attendees.
Lunch There are options for dining at the Capitol complex. McDonalds or White Castle are only two blocks away. It is acceptable to bring your own bag lunches.
Bonus activities
- Take a free guided tour and get an overview of our beautifully restored Capitol, its history, art, architecture and workings of our state government. Tours leave at the top of the hour and are 45 minutes long.
- Attend a legislative committee meeting or view a floor session and watch the legislative process. House and Senate committee meetings are free, just walk in and sit down.
PR for your agency Earn media coverage for attending the YIP Rally Day and highlight your program's successes and needs. We know you’re busy so we've got a quick and easy press release template with instructions for you.
Share your feedback While the day is still fresh on your mind, take a minute to complete our brief survey to let us know how we can make your YIP Rally Day experience even better next year. There is an adult survey and a young person survey.
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